Century Dental
Century House Ravenna Road
Putney London SW15 6AW
Hertford Ave
Facial Rejuvenation
East Sheen
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Facial Aesthetics
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See My Work
Alexis Zander
02 June 2022
FAQs about Invisalign answered by...
If you are an adult who has misaligned teeth, you may have considered undergoing orthodontic care to resolve this issue. You will be happy to learn that in the last...
Alexis Zander
05 May 2022
What is dentistry, our dentist...
Teeth are an essential organ, and it is imperative we take care of our teeth for our day-to-day activities. Our dentist in Putney is available to deal with treatments and...
Alexis Zander
04 April 2022
Invisalign at our dentist in...
There are many factors which can affect the alignment of your teeth. Whether you have overcrowded teeth, gaps between your teeth, protruding teeth, crooked or wonky teeth, please talk...
Alexis Zander
07 March 2022
Teeth straightening with our dentist...
Significant advances in dental technology over the last few decades have led to the introduction and establishment of numerous modern and successful dental treatments that can address the aesthetic appearance...
Alexis Zander
07 February 2022
Teeth whitening with our dentist...
Teeth whitening is one of the most commonly sought-after cosmetic dental procedures in dental practices across the country. The majority of adults in the UK suffer from a certain extent...
Alexis Zander
28 January 2022
Welcome to My New Website
Hi there, my name is Dr Alexis Zander and I'm a Dentist in Putney. I am very proud to announce the launch of my new website. Take a look around...
Alexis Zander
03 January 2022
A mini smile makeover at...
There are many factors that can affect the aesthetic appearance of your teeth. If you are unhappy with the look of your teeth, despite having a good dental hygiene...
Alexis Zander
06 December 2021
Cosmetic dentistry and composite bonding...
There have been many advances in dental technology over the last few decades that have seen the introduction and establishment of modern cosmetic dental techniques that are quick and convenient...
Alexis Zander
08 November 2021
Our dentist in Putney: giving...
Your smile is one of the first things that people usually notice when they meet you. A healthy and beautiful smile can help boost your self-confidence and encourage you to...
Alexis Zander
04 October 2021
Smile makeover with our dentist...
If you are unhappy with the appearance of your smile, then this can have a negative impact on many aspects of your life. It can affect your self-confidence and cause...
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